The preparation phase involves investigation

We identify and describe the skill needs of researchers and KT/TT professionals regarding their valorisation activities, efforts, and intentions, to inform our programme.

Literature review report on valorisation in SSH

This literature review highlights the existing insights regarding the availability of support and training for social science & humanities researchers to valorise their research.

Lighthouse stories of SSH Valorisation Champions

This Lighthouse Stories Report contains a selection of 18 stories demonstrating successful valorisation from across nine European countries. Visit the Resources page to be inspired by each individual valorisation champions’ personal experience.


This synthesis report highlights the main findings of the investigation phase of the REVALORISE+ project, including the literature review, quantitative survey, and lighthouse stories.

PLUS E-zine

Issue #5

In this issue of PLUS magazine, we put an emphasis on making Social Sciences and Humanities researchers visible and invite them to showcase their research findings with the wider academic and industry. It also takes a look back at EU Knowledge Valorisation Week.