We’re working to enhance the entrepreneurial potential + social impact of social sciences + humanities research
REVALORISE+ recognises that to date, policy-makers, research funders and university boards have prioritised pursuing the immediate returns of research valorisation through licencing and patenting of the so called ‘hard sciences’ (i.e STEM) over the more intangible, longer-term returns and social impact of activity in the social sciences and humanities.
We are a team of SSH experts, academics and researcher with a shared mission and passion to remedy this. We invite you to join us as we identify, map, develop, organise, recognise and champion the societal value and impact of social sciences and humanities research.
REVALORISE+ has an ambitious goal
Our ultimate goal is to develop a new generation of SSH valorisation champions who are empowered and enabled to use their research to impact society. We are exploring and will address the specific SSH valorisation skills gaps of knowledge and researchers and technology transfer (KT/TT) professionals to develop SSH valorisation capabilities within universities. We’ve started with an exploration of what valorisation is.


Are you a KT/TT Professional?
You will benefit from a theoretical introduction into SSH valorisation. Our European SSH Valorisation Training Programme will upskill you with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver the REVALORISE+ HackTheResearch Valorisation Training Programme and train researcher teams. Ultimately, this will extend your reach, engagement and network interactions with business, governmental and non-governmental organisations established during the project lifetime.

Are you a SSH Researcher?
Or a PhD student, post-doc, associate professor, professor? Our resources will help you to strengthen your soft skills, valorisation capabilities and networking potential. Our HackTheResearch Valorisation Training Programme will help you to develop your entrepreneurial skills and enhance the impact from your research. It will boost the commercial potential of your SSH research and help you to generate a final product to be valorised to the local/regional market.

New insights, knowledge and SSH valorisation skills
Six phases of our REVALORISE+ project work will produce public resources for SSH researchers and knowledge transfer staff, these are:
Download Our Brochure
We are exploring and addressing the specific SSH valorisation skills and knowledge gaps of researchers and Knowledge Transfer/Technology Transfer (KT/TT) professionals to develop SSH valorisation capabilities within universities.

No research without action, no action without research
Kurt Lewin, Social Psychologist