Video Card Test

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How to understand SSH researcher profile and effectively exercise your support role


  • Valorisation drivers, motivation & barriers
  • Showcase examples / success stories
  • Business & entrepreneurship VS. problem solving and impact
  • SDGs
  • Best Practices
  • Impact indicators

This video gives an introduction on how research support staff can help researchers valorise their research. What drives them and what are the barriers?

A few takeaways: Showcase examples and success stories to make valorisation more present at your institution. However, avoid using words such as ‘business’ and ‘entrepreneurship’ when talking to SSH researchers but focus instead on ‘problem solving’ and ‘impact’.

Based on a data collection amongst valorisation experts across Europe the video offers useful insight on how to support SSH researchers in creating impact beyond academia. Below you can find a range of practical tools related to the content of the video.


Presentation: How to understand SSH researcher profile and effectively exercise your support role 

PowerPoint Slides

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Home – United Nations Sustainable Development

Creating impact canvas:

Impact planning toolkit:

Storytelling canvas: | Storytelling Canvas

SSH Valorisation Programme for Researchers basics


  • Defining valorisation 
  • Common drivers & barriers for valorisation
  • Valorisation process
  • Valorisation activities 
  • Valorisation stakeholders 
  • Valorisation skills & knowledge needs 
  • REVALORISE Training Programme 

Part 1 gives an overview of key valorisation definitions that help researchers differentiate valorisation from other similar terms. Video also defines and visually explains valorisation process with its stages, key valorisation stakeholders and valorisation activities. Besides graphic illustrations, video also provides several examples grasping out those concepts.

Part 2 provides categorization of common valorisation drivers and barriers that researchers might face at their organisations but also individually. Based on the qualitative and quantitative research results, video also helps researchers identify key skills and knowledge areas necessary for successfully conducting valorisation. Following this, video ends with an overview of REVALORISE Training Programme designed to cover existing skills and knowledge gaps among researcher and help them valorize their research. 


Presentation: SSH Valorisation Programme for Researchers basics 

PowerPoint slides

Stakeholder mapping:

Valorisation activities orientation – REVALORISE Synthesis Report p. 12 :

Connecting Drivers and Barriers to Valorisation Mechanisms – REVALORISE Synthesis Report p. 15:

HackTheResearch Valorisation Training Programme Tookit:

How to support resources mobilisation through external partnerships


  • Resources mobilisation
  • University – business cooperation (UBC) / external engagement / university industry partnerships
  • Innovation ecosystem and asset mapping
  • University Partnership Canvass

In this session, we shed light on the critical role of partnerships and external cooperation in fostering successful SSH valorisation. Follow the session and: 

  •  Gain insights into the UBC ecosystem framework and delve into research findings that uncover the key factors influencing university-business cooperation. 
  • Learn how to effectively map your ecosystem, identifying valuable assets, unmet needs, and potential collaborations that can elevate the impact of your research. Uncover the importance of the Partnership Stairway model and how it can guide your strategic approach to partnership development, ensuring long-term success and sustainability. 
  • Discover how Partnership Canvas can help you analyze, define, and align the key elements of your partnerships, enabling effective collaboration and mutual benefits 


Presentation: How to support resources mobilisation through external partnerships

PowerPoint slides 

State of UBC cooperation in Europe:

Example innovation ecosystem mapping methodologies:

Example university partnership canvas:

How to build SSH valorisation community


  • Definition and examples of a community 
  • Importance and benefits of a community-based approach 
  • Social capital aspect of a community 
  • How to implement community-approach in practice 
  • Tips on how to get started 
Play Video

In this short video Crazy Town experts Mikko & Toni give a short introduction on community-based approach to SSH valorisation.  What can be achieved by embracing some of methods of community building? 

In this video, you’ll find useful information on

– What are communities (definition)?
– Why communities matter for SSH valorisation? 
– How to implement community approach in practice? 

i) Why does the community exist and who are the members
ii) Community Manager
iii) Member engagement and knowledge creation
iv) Rules and rituals
v) Location


Presentation: How to build SSH valorisation community

PowerPoint slides

Managing Knowledge in Organizations: A Nonaka’s SECI Model Operationalization

Why should universities care about a community-driven approach? 

PLUS E-zine

Issue #5

In this issue of PLUS magazine, we put an emphasis on making Social Sciences and Humanities researchers visible and invite them to showcase their research findings with the wider academic and industry. It also takes a look back at EU Knowledge Valorisation Week.